Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry


Participants : Serge Vladimir Emteu Tchagou, Alexandre Termier.

SoCTrace is a FUI project led by STMicroelectronics, with the companies ProbaYes and Magilem, Université Joseph Fourier and Inria Rhône-Alpes. Its goal is to provide an integrated environment for storing and analyzing execution traces. In this project, we are working on data mining techniques for analyzing the traces, and on the use of ontologies to enable querying traces with a higher level of abstraction.

ManageYourSelf : diagnosis and monitoring of embedded platforms

Participants : Marie-Odile Cordier, Sophie Robin, Laurence Rozé.

ManageYourSelf is a project that deals with the diagnosis and monitoring of embedded platforms, in the framework of a collaboration with Telelogos, a French company expert in mobile management and data synchronization. ManageYourSelf aims to perform diagnostic and repair on a fleet of mobile smartphones and PDAs. The idea is to embed on the mobile devices a rule-based expert system and its set of politics, for example "if memory full then delete (directory)". At regular intervals the recognition is performed, using the parameters of the phones as the fact base. Of course, it is impossible to foresee all the rules in advance. Upon detection of a non anticipated problem, a report containing all the system's information prior to the problem is sent to a server. The learning step is realised using rules: crash rules are learnt, they are transformed in preventive rules by an expert and embedded on the phone.

Particular contract of the strategic action EDF/Inria

Participants : Thomas Guyet, René Quiniou, Véronique Masson.

At the time of digitalization of multi-channel customer relations, the analysis of customer pathways has become a strategic issue for any business unit. The interaction traces left by clients when connecting to the customer services can be combined with data from other communication channels (phone, web form, e-mail, mail, fax, SMS, shop, etc.) and allow to analyse the customer pathways in details.

Pattern mining tools are able to extract the frequent customer behaviors in very large database of client pathways, but taking into account the duration and the delay between the customer actions remains a challenging issue for pattern mining. The objective of this one year particular contract was to design and to develop a frequent mining tool taking into account the time dimension for analysis of multichannel customer pathways.